pens beside red covered notebook

Calculate84 for Institutions

Most educational apps don't target institutions, and because of it, your needs get pushed back. We aim to change that narrative. Everything from this app's feature set to the pricing structure is ready for institutional customers.

No Ads and No Subscriptions.

Every license lasts a lifetime. This includes continuous updates, new features, support, etc. Even if the app needs to move to a new iPad or new students use the app, you will never have to pay again.

Privacy First.

This app is privacy compliant by default since we don't collect any student identifiable information. If your institution requires a privacy agreement to be signed, please email us here.

Built with Educators.

With feedback from educators around the world, we are constantly improving the app to better suit your needs. For example, as suggested by many teachers, we introduced large font sizes to help the app be readable by students further back in class and those with vision impairments.

iPad App
Institution App Store

Get Started Now!

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us here.

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